Best way to get awa
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Best way to get awa
TEXT 615-323-3339, if you call LEAVE a voicemail
Striped bass have to be filleted a certain way. If certain meat is not cut out then , your catch will taste ...lets say...funky! . If you decide you want to take your catch home to eat, let MCFC clean your fish for $10 per fish. (do not feel obligated , you can take home your fish either way and do it yourself !! , allow time after trip for cleaning )
Customers need to bring their own cooler to transport fish home, if desired. MCFC will fillet your catch the proper way to ensure you have pure boneless white meat ready to cook . Fillets will be packaged ready for the freezer when you leave .
Golden fry, bake or throw them on the grill! These fish can taste amazing either way. Add a side of your favorite vegetable and you will be amazed. Ask your guide for cooking tips, there are several ways!
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